Thursday 1 September 2011

The Tower

Another awesome day in London town today.

Left home late morning and walked to the Tower of London.

It was nothing like we had expected - it was more like a series of old buildings in superb condition some with turrets or towers.

Enjoyed a guided tour by a Beefeater who had the usual sense of humour that these guides seem to have.
Went through the Jewel House and saw all the Crown Jewels - the displays simply sparkled with diamonds and gold, it would be interesting to know what value they had in total assuming they were capable of being valued.

Following our visit which lasted well over 2 hours we walked across the Tower Bridge another stunning sight from all vantage points.

Having crossed the Thames on the Bridge to the south side we walked along the Queens Walk to the London Bridge which we crossed back to the north side and continued along to St Paul's Cathedral, Christopher Wren's iconic piece of work.
By this time visiting time was over so we walked around the outside arriving at St Paul's underground which we used to get over to the West End.

Walked around the restaurants in Leicester Square and Charing Cross Rd to see where we would go for tea and soon realised that all the pub menus were the same so went into one that presented well.

Asked the waitress why the menus were alike and was told that all the pubs were owned by Nicholson Pubs and therefore all had the same menu.

After a satisfying pub dinner we then went to the Phoenix Theatre in Charing Cross Rd for the show we had booked - Blood Brothers. This musical has been on West End since 1988.

We thoroughly enjoyed the show which was one of if not the best musical we have seen.

Wikipedia has very good information about it which is worth a read (

Joined the many other revelers on the Underground for the trip back to our digs.

I have to repeat - London town rocks!


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