Wednesday 17 August 2011


...was a scorcher today, on one occasion saw a gauge saying 37 degrees which could well have been 25 or so more degrees than you have enjoyed in your part of the world - she sure is a funny place this globe we inhabit.

The dominating structure in Marseilles is the Notre Dame de la Garde a place of worship which dates back to 1214 and which sits 147m above sea level and looks out over the city and the Mediterranean.
As seen from hotel room
We took the bus to it this morning along with many others and enjoyed not only the panoramic view of the sea with the Frioul & Chateau d'If Islands, stretches of beach as far as you could see and the city of Marseilles encircled by the mountains, but also the beauty of the structure itself.

 It appears to also be a monument to those who died in the defense of Marseilles in 1944.
After the visit we returned back to the port area by bus and did a walking tour of the eastern side of the harbour which included Fort D'EntreCasteaux, Jardin du Pharos and the Chateaux Pharos.

As we sat near the port entrance a cruise liner arrived in port - not sure how many cruise ships that makes it that we have seen in this part of the world but clearly it is big business in the summer and I suspect most of the winter as well. 
 Back around the harbour basin we walked and then did a walking tour of the western side which is said to be the historic area, though it was difficult to find anything one would call historic apart from the Cathedral and some old multistoreyed residential buildings.
The city can only be described as grubby with litter and doggy do wherever you walk and is not one where Sherry felt safe though I didn't share that feeling.

We have seen more beggars on the streets here than in any other city we have visited on this trip and they even approach you if you are sitting in say McDonalds

Despite some of the interesting sites it is not a city that we would recommend as a must see.
Notre Dame & Fort D'EntreCastaeux as seen from Jardin du Pharos
 Our next stop is in Carcassonne and the internet at that hotel may be problematic which could delay our next blog entry.

Bon soir