Saturday 3 September 2011

The suitcases are bulging...

...after an afternoon in the Regent/Oxford Streets shopping strips.

The number of people doing the same was overwhelming, we think it is the last week of the summer holidays for the kids.

Talking of kids we were two ourselves as we spent quite sometime in Hamleys department store, a toy store on Regent St that is the world's largest toy store and has become a tourist attraction in London being in existence since 1760 in one form or another

The number of different toys that have never seen the light of day in NZ was mind blowing - almost gives one ideas of being an importer but the pros and cons of that need to be carefully thought through.

We met our nephew James (Jimmy) Harnett for dinner & an ale in the Bishopgate area tonight.

Just in case his mum reads the blog we report that he looks as handsome as the day you last saw him, he is no shorter than you remember, his tongue is as quick as it ever was and he has matured into a thoughtful gentleman.
Apart from the photos above none were taken today as you can't photo shop after shop after shop and make them look different!

One more day in London before we pack up and start our trek home.