Wednesday 27 July 2011

Veni, Vidi, Vici....

...Well Caesar we tried.

I think we succeeded with the first two but did not manage the third.

Today we returned to the Campo dei Fiori to have a look at the open air market. The literal translation of Campo dei Fiori is "Field of Flowers" and along with the usual food related stalls there are some flower stalls.

Perhaps the market was a little less spectacular than seen elsewhere but it is reputed to be the longest surviving open air market in the centre of Rome.

Special price! Marked up from 6 euro to 10!

The prices of some of the items were more than the those at the local market near our apartment but there was a nice vibrant atmosphere.

We then walked over a bridge to the other side of the Tiber to an area known as Trastevere which in truth was a little disappointing so after a cafe style roadside lunch we took a tram back to one of the main shoppinmg strips near to the Trevi Fountain.

I left Sherry to potter around these shops while I walked to the Vatican area to a shop where we had seen something yesterday but had not bought but which on reflection we wanted.

An hour and half later I arrived back with feet a little sorer than when I had left but with the parcel firmly in the backpack.

After an afternoon tea we walked back to our apartment arriving in around 5pm.

There were 2 transport mishaps today - catching the bus to Campo we arrived at the terminal to see the 175 ready to leave so jumped on however this bus did not have the cash box machine on board so we couldn't buy tickets so we traveled in trepidation of the inspector getting on and bellowing "All tickets please".

Not making the same mistake twice before we got on the tram I bought 2 tickets at the tobacconist - along comes the tram, on we get, into the machine goes the ticket "REJECT INVALID TICKET" (it was in Italian but the meaning was very obvious). 

I had bought 2 bus/metro tickets not tram tickets - thankfully no conductor got on that tram either!

Impressions of Rome
  • Hectic traffic
  • Chaos
  • Lots of people of all races and nationality
  • Generally friendly people
  • Narrow cobblestone streets in places
  • Easy to get around
  • Nice restaurants
  • Amazing sights
Are the streets clean and tidy?
Some are, some aren't

Where do Romans park their cars?
Wherever it takes their fancy

How do you tell a tourist in Rome?
They are all carrying a tourist guide or looking at a map
 Tomorrow we move out of Rome and start our driving tour around Italy and places beyond and we leave behind what must be the largest open air museum in the World.

Whether our postings will be as frequent will depend upon internet access.

Arrivederci Roma, grazie