Wednesday 7 September 2011

Winding down

The last full day of our holiday, travel day excluded dawned this morning in 40 odd degrees of heat in Dubai.

Back to the Dubai Mall was the plan to fill up every last bit of space (and perhaps a little more) available in the suitcases.

This mall has everything you could want, is never ending in all directions and can hold (and does) many thousands of shoppers and tyre kickers.

After returning to the hotel mid afternoon to freshen up it was back to the mall and the Burj Khalfia for a trip to the top with our man in Dubai, Dave

It is worth a moment to read up on some of the facts and figures of the burj at

Even though the day was hazy the view is something else.

After our trip back to sea level we then had dinner with Dave & Lucy at a restaurant overlooking the water and fountain show which  is the world’s largest dancing fountain and:

• In sync with classical, Arabic and world music
• 1.5 million lumens of projected light
• Spray heights of up to 500 feet
• 22,000 gallons of airborne water

You can see a performance on YouTube

Home to bed to get sleep before the 6am rise to start the long haul home.

Everyday of the trip has been awesome and we will have memories of it for the rest of our lives and in the 7 weeks we were away we had rain only on 3 days none of which stopped us doing the things we wanted to - how lucky was that, the Gods were shining on us.

Cheers & thanks for taking the time to read the blog which was our way of recording our trip so that we could look back on it in the future particular when the mind has began to fade (some say that is now!)

See you all in the Land of the Great White Cloud in a day or two

All the following photos taken from either the visit to the Burj Khalifa or watching the water fountain show