Tuesday 2 August 2011


An easy day's drive through changing countryside saw us arrive in Bologna just after 1pm.
A town between Assisi and Bologna
Only one hiccup with the GPS today as it had us stop about 100m passed our hotel.

We are staying at the Aemilia Hotel and so far it has been the cheapest so after the Amalfi experience we arrived with some trepidation but have been very pleasantly surprised as it is a very nice 4 star hotel with a very nice room.

The only issue with Italian accommodation is however the complete lack of tea or coffee making facilities in the room and my Sherry certainly likes her teas & coffee!

After settling in we went exploring the old part of the city following a walk suggested in our travel guide.

It took us around the main areas passed some very exclusive shops, through various piazzas and passed at least 3 or 4 churches 2 of which we entered.
An old fellow with a biggie looking down on another old fellow with a ...
A bronze sculpture exhibition
I would hate to think how much the Catholic Church is worth in total around the world and wonder if they would even know themselves - it would be a mammoth exercise to undertake a proper valuation on their buildings and the glorious contents displayed in them.

An enjoyable meal in an outside restaurant, thinking of folk back home inside with heaters on before strolling back to the hotel.

Bologna being the home of bolognese sauce it was inevitable that our meal was pasta and that ragu

Till later