Saturday 13 August 2011


We have driven over 2000kms some over the most narrow and winding roads we have ever experienced without incident and go to get the car out of the car park where it had been overnight only to find that some arsehole had scrapped his white vehicle down the front passenger's side guard.

The car is fully insured without excess so the blurb goes so this will be a test of how the contract responds.

This morning we left Genoa for Nice and at 12.04pm Sherry piloted the Peugeot (scrape and all) across the border between Italy & France.

Arrived in Nice early afternoon and straight away found the local laundromat and did the domestic duties before venturing down town.

It has to be said the Nice is nice!

There is a vehicle free main shopping precinct running down to a square near the sea with trams running up the centre of the road.

The square is large surrounded by some delightful buildings at the start of a historic area of the town.

A climb up to the Tour Bellanda gave a wonderful view over a part of the Cote D'Azur and the city of Nice.
Tour Bellanda
We were taken by the cloud formation over the water.

It was around 6pm when we were there and the "beach" was crowded as far as the eye could see.
I use the term beach but there was not a grain of sand in sight only largish pebbles which did not seem to worry the locals one little bit.
In the Cours Saleya there was open air restaurant after open air restaurant and after walking from one end of them to the other (there would have been 40 or 50) we settled on one which had grilled sardines as part of the menu and it has to be said that they were surprising good.
Start of restaurant strip
In the historic area we saw something that seemed to be out of place - an electric vehicle hooked up to a street charger

A stroll from the waterfront back to the hotel ended the day.


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